Titans reveals unexpected first look at the Ventriloquist, Scarface, and possibly the Riddler



Spoilers below for those unaware of the Titans ahead of its Season 1 finale.

Few TV shows have put together a season finale quite like the DC Universe one Titans, whose final episode will reveal to fans that Batman has completely crossed the line and is murdering his enemies willy-nilly. The finale trailer showed Jason Todd returning to ask for Dick’s help in bringing Bruce back to Moral Land, and in new footage, Dick stumbles over Titans‘sad introduction to classic thieves The Ventriloquist and Scarface, and maybe even The Riddler.

the titans of the universe dc the ventriloquist and scarface dead

Wow, “presumed dead in jail cell” is definitely not the direction I expected Titans go when introducing his first Batman big villains into the tale. (The show’s nuclear family wasn’t exactly Dark Knight focused.) Admittedly, I wouldn’t expect the show to use The Ventriloquist and Scarface as two of the initial villains, though I understand why the human character is face down and recognizable only by the mannequin placed at his side.

To be fair, it’s not at all confirmed that the ventriloquist is dead in this photo. There are puddles under him that obviously could be blood from wounds inflicted by Batman, and so is the blood on the walls. But it’s a dirty cell, so maybe that mess was already there. The way Ventriloquist aka Arnold Wesker is laid out with his hands on the ground makes it seem like he’s surrendering.

If Batman was still killing the villain even when he tried to give up, so to speak, that would say a lot about how far the Capped Crusader has come at this point. I’m also not sure Dick has the ability to convince his former mentor to cut him down.

The way in which Titans The blend of realism embedded in the fantasy comic is fantastic, as far as I’m concerned, but even I’m not sure this series could have pulled a realistic thread from Ventriloquist and his domineering sidekick Scarface. (Gotham, although? Certainly.) However, one could easily see an eccentric character like Edward Nygma living in Titanscorrupt world.

Maybe he was too, but “living” is not the key word right now, if this other news Titans The image indeed shows the fate of the Gotham City criminal, mainly concerned with puzzles.

titans riddle arm tattooed with question marks

Similar to Ventriloquist’s true fate, we can’t be completely sure this is The Riddler’s corpse. It appears to be a bloody stretcher in a mortuary, partially covered with a sheet or body bag, but could be revealed as something else. Maybe the person is just injured and lying in the … Arkham Asylum’s … nurse’s office? They do, don’t they?

Plus, the question marks tattooed on the arm obviously make it look like The Riddler, who is known to wear costumes covered in said punctuation. If so, this move may have been inspired by the ink-laden look of Jared Leto’s Joker in Suicide Squad, although fortunately limited to a single motive in this case.

We’ve heard The Joker’s name a few times, of course, and it looks like the attempts to take down the villain caused Batman’s mental crisis. It’s been many years since the Clown Prince was also active in Gotham City, given that he was already an established psychopath when Dick and Donna were teenagers. He’s obviously given Team Batman the most trouble over the years, so hopefully he survives Batman’s murderous rage and continues to lurk in the background of Season 2 and beyond.

Especially if The Riddler, The Ventriloquist, and Scarface are already dead. Not that there isn’t a slew of interesting villains to Titans to bring out in the future as his core group fixes the issues, but I just want to see the character fully embrace the identity of the Joker on live TV at some point.

Titans is set to air an action-packed season finale on DC Universe Friday, December 21 at 12 p.m. ET. Be sure to watch to see how insane Batman will be, and while waiting to see what Season 2 has to offer, be sure to bookmark our Fall TV Show and Mid-Season Premiere Guide. to keep track of all new and old exciting shows.



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